Sunday, March 9, 2014

Garden Center

Hello everyone, Today was a beautiful day here in Edmonton Canada, the Temperature was a balmy 7*C and the snow was melting like crazy. Spring is not here yet but I’m not complaining. I figured that it was a good time to take some photos, so I grabbed my cameras and drove off to the Garden Center. I had a coffee and a piece of Apple Pie, it was very tasty. This year the display was not as large as the ones I saw in previous years. It was still very nice, but I was not able to get very many angles of it. The coffee tables were very close and I did not want to disturb anyone. I did get a few very nice photos with the new Camera, I also fiddled with the the movie feature of the new camera. Got 1 very shaky video. Will have to play with it a lot more. I found out that you can’t look through the view finder while taking video, but have to look at the view screen when doing videos.  Here are a few photos for you to look at. I hope you like them.

   Broud view main pool  painting copy

     Greenhouse Kitty Painting copy

         For you Cat Lovers, this is the Greenhouse Cat, pretty young lady she is.


   Main Pool Waterfall 2 painting copy 

    Main Pool side photo painting

There you have it, I will show you more photos next time as I have to do some more processing.


  1. Hostas, waterfalls, greenery and a beautiful cat, you have it done to a "T". that new camera is doing just fine with you at the lens. Cheers. Jean

  2. A good set Horst.
    Video is a pain without a tilt rear screen. I use the 5DII and it has to be on a tripod. A starting point is to use 1/50s and drop contrast and sharpness down to zero in camera. WB can be anything you like but not Auto..

    1. Hi Adrian, yes I will have to get a lighter tripod to carry around with me. Will have to play with the video feature so that I can take videos without trying to look for the buttons.

  3. What a pretty young lady indeed. She must bd a Tortie although not as vivid as Admiral. Maybe this LadyCat is dilute.

    1. I just took a few good photos of this little girl kitty but didn't ask any questions, as I was at the cash register paying for my purchase. She saw me and decided to pose for me.

  4. Lovely pics, Horst ... especially all that green ... and of course the cat ... thank you ... smiles ... you feeling better, I assume? Love, cat.

    1. Yes feeling good, need to get outside to puts around in the garden.

  5. Lovely shots Horst that looks like a lovely little kitty there. I just love your garden centre has such pretty displays.
    You have so worked your magic on these pictures .
    Take Care

    1. Hi Sheila, I will have to visit some of the other greenhouses in the area.

  6. Great shots, Horst. I only wish my garden could look like that already.

    PS: I bought myself a new camera today, just a compact, the new Olympus 1.

  7. Hi Friko, I hope you have lots of enjoyment with your new Olympus camera. Now you have to figure out where all the right buttons are. :-)

  8. My new camera has arrived, (Panasonic DMC FZ200) so now all I have to do is learn how to use it. If I can do half as well as you do with your photos, then I shall be well pleased! Vx

    1. Let's hope that you get to take lots of great photos of your wonderful little small holding. It's not the camera that makes for great photos but the photographer. You will have to do lots of practice, and have lots of fun with it.

  9. Green Green so happy to see greeen not that I have been buried in snow here in the desert just such a draught here the desert has no color this year. Just a few wild trees in bloom. All the bushes look dead.

  10. The Greenhouse cat is lovely! Very doubt had I been there I would have taken photos of nothing else! Was she after the fish in the photo below I wonder? ;) Garden centres are such refreshing places to visit and as your gorgeous green shots show, bring spring to even the darkest of March days such as we are experiencing here today...I took the plunge a while back and purchased a new camera... a little more sophisticated lol than the little digital cam' though considerably larger and not at all possible to pop in a small handbag! It takes great pic's but I am yet to learn the art of using the settings on it! I rely on the laptop for the complicated work afterwards! Still, spring is coming so maybe soon I will get to practice...and maybe...just maybe lol lol... I will get to produce beautiful, professional shots like yours!! Erm...not in a million years! But I dream ;)

  11. I thought I'd replied on this post Horst, Now I know I've been a bit neglectful of my own blog, but if I get an email that one of my friends has put on a post, I like tp check it, however it was was well worth comeing over again, to see your loveley pics and of course the sweet cat,
    I boutght myself a panasonic bridge camera, and it's good but I'm afraid i just don't do it justice as i just point and shoot, I admire you for your dedication and for getting such good results. Keep at it. X


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