Saturday, October 16, 2010

Very busy

Hello everyone, I have been very busy this week helping relatives. I have not had time to do much or even visit friends blogs. Hopefully I will have time this coming week, to put up a blog or 2, and maybe even put up some photos.


  1. I wondered where you were. Hope you get a few minutes soon..we miss you.

  2. It is nice to be able to help folk out, even relatives, because the feeling of doing something good for someone is so nice to feel when you get time to yourself again.

  3. Family should always have top priority!
    I love the photo at the top, it is beautiful.

  4. Beautiful autumn colours in your header pic and the 2nd one is very beautiful too. should always come first...closely followed by US!! lol ;)

  5. Take your time...we'll be here...


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