Thursday, October 21, 2010

Live Writer

Hello everyone, just experimenting to see if I can get Live Writer to work on WordPress, So far so good.



lillies garden dogwood

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

More of My Photography

I was looking at some of the photos I had taken earier and decided to take a few into photoshop and see what I could do. Well here is a couple for you to see, and let me know what you think of them.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Thanksgiving Day Country Drive

Hello everyone, I am a little late in posting but as we all say, it is better late than never. On Thanksgiving Day, my friend Russ and I took a long drive in the country. We drove from Edmonton, south to Pigeon Lake. Our first stop was the town of Mulhurst, we first drove down main street which runs along the beach. The first stop was to view the lake and it was a beautifull day but the wind was a little chilly. We took a whole mess of photos of some of the buildings and the lake. There were a couple of Seadoo's on the lake, great to photograph.

        These are some of the old buildings on main street.
Here is a shot along the beach, a fair amount of activity
     for this time of year.
Then we drove to the south east end of Pigeon Lake            
and near MaMeO Beach I saw these cattle and just had to take thier photo. We stopped at MaMeO but didn't stay. There was not much to see, and to far to walk to the beach. MaMeO did not change much since I was there last about 30 years ago. We then decided to go back to Edmonton to have lunch, but rather than eat in Edmonton, we stopped in Leduc to have lunch there. We found a nice place to have lunch at a place called Kosmos in Leduc, and asked if they had Turkey diner, and yes they did, we ordered and wow was it a large dinner with Pumpkin pie included for $12.50, and was it ever a big meal. Both Russ and I were very full when we finnished it, actually we were stuffed. Ha ha, pun intended. On our way back to Edmonton we saw a lot of farmers harvesting thier fields, I just had to take a few photos, I took them through the car windows.

Well, that was our trip, it was very nice to get out of the city for a few hours.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Very busy

Hello everyone, I have been very busy this week helping relatives. I have not had time to do much or even visit friends blogs. Hopefully I will have time this coming week, to put up a blog or 2, and maybe even put up some photos.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Birds in the Park

Hello freinds, My freind Yvonne phoned again and ask if I wanted to go to the park, again I said you know I want ot go. Well the day was a fantastic day, I even got a little pink in the face. Yvonnes little grand son had a fantastic time splashing in the water with a big stik and getting himself and nana a little wet. I took a photo across the water with my 300mm lens, I was a little shacky but it turned out not to bad. I took a few photos last Thursday and I will show some of them today. So here they are.

I hope you like the photos. See you next time.