Monday, December 17, 2012

My Amaryllis just before Christmas

Hello everyone, I took a few photos over the last few days and then played with some of the photos. This is the sort of thing that I enjoy very much. Some people may think that to just display what comes out of the camera is the only way that photos should be displayed, well since I was a professional  photographer I would not be happy if that were the only way one could display any photos. To me the creativity would just be killed. Some folks do a great job taking photos with out any manipulation. Before digital photos were manipulated all the time in the darkroom, well Photoshop is now the digital darkroom. Here are a few of my photos. I hope you enjoy them. This is also one of my seedling Amaryllis by the way.

                       Tall amaryllis copy

                   Love this Amaryllis 3 

      Ger green and 3 4 5 copy

                            The next photo is right out of the camera.

                                    Amaryllis original

                          This is a nice photo but it lacks some pizzas.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Not much going on


Hello everyone, not much going on these days, except my friend Russ and his fiancĂ©, took me out too a wonderful show here in Edmonton, that is one of the best shows I have seen in a long time. This was a stag production that was called “The Singing Christmas Tree”. The proceeds to this show go’s to charity, mainly to the Food Bank and Santa’s Anonymous. Santa’s Anonymous gives gifts to needy children, and we all know about the food Bank. Well, the show was totally awesome. The music and singing  was world class, I thing the whole show was world class. The Singing Christmas Tree is only on for 3 days every year. The show was at the Jubilee Auditorium here in Edmonton, which is also a world class concert hall. If Russ is watching or listening, I really want to thank you for taking me along. It was a wonderful evening.

Well, as the title says not much going on in my life right now, I am in a fair amount of pain and doing as little as possible so that I am not totally overcome with pain. I have another Amaryllis that is going to bloom in a week or two. I will post a few picture when the time comes, so that you all don’t feel that I have abandoned you.